Ray-Ban Sunglasses: Never Hide
If you don't know Ray-Ban sunglasses, you've probably have been living under a rock. The eyewear brand is worldly renown as one of the most popular brands to rock on your face. Ray-Ban was created in 1937 by Bausch & Lomb. The first version of Ray-Ban sunglasses was the classic
Ray-Ban Aviator that protected the eyes of the United States Army Air Corps. With a light frame and lenses that blocked out infrared and ultraviolet rays, real aviators almost instantly adopted these glasses. Almost 20 years later, Ray-Ban decided to go into other frames, including its
Ray-Ban wayfarer frames which gained crazy popularity in the 1950s and ‘60s. Even to this day, Ray-Ban sunglasses are the type of glasses people really want to wear. If you don't have a pair yourself, you should check out other Ray-Ban frames you've been out on, like
Ray-Ban's Clubmater and
Ray-Ban's Justin frames.